« 庭から出てきたのは人骨? | トップページ | お料理を楽しむ★お誕生会 »

2011年2月 4日 (金)






- 本を読んで、その続きのお話を作る
- 幾何学的な模様が描いてあり、その模様に自分で絵を付け足してから、その絵に沿った内容のお話を作る。
- 一枚の絵を見て、その絵からお話を考え出す。






It all began when someone left the window open.
A bird on the third floor bedroom wall paper budged its wing.
The wall paper ripped.
Suddenly the bird came out and it was free.
It flew around and ruined the room.

Then there was a knock on the door.
The bird was frightened.
It went out the open window.
The person came in and screamed.
"What happened?", the person yelled.
There was a boy in the bedroom.
He saw the bird go away.
He said, "The bird ruined the room!"
The boy's name was Max and the person was his mother.
Then his mother spotted the ripped wall paper.
"You ripped it, didn't you?" she said.
Just then, the bird flew in and went back to the wall paper and it stuck itself on the wall paper.
Max's mother hit it with her fist.
Blood came out from the bird on the paper.
"There!" she said.
She went away.

That night, Max peeked through the covers from his bed.
Then the bird started to flutter around the room like wind.
But it was out of control.
It went out the window like pure white dust and sploshed into the shimmering ocean.
The bird had dropped its feathers and made a trail.

When morning came, Max noticed that it was gone.
He didn't see the bird go away.
He ran out the door in his pajamas.
Max found the feather trail.
He picked up one.
It was as light as nothing.
Max got a coat, lantern, his fishing pole, and some bread and cheese.
He walked and followed the trail.
On the way, he took three oranges from a tree.
He walked and walked and walked and found the bird in the water.
He ate first. Then he scooped up the white bird, gave it some crumbs of bread and ran home.
Then he went into his room.
He put bandages on the poor bird.

When it got better, Max said "You can go out.  Come back soon!"
The bird tweeted as if to say "I will!"
The wallpaper on the third floor bedroom, was ripped forever

  The End


少し不思議な雰囲気を持つ お話を よく書いてきます。
子供の空想の世界を見られるので、親の私としては とても楽しみです。


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« 庭から出てきたのは人骨? | トップページ | お料理を楽しむ★お誕生会 »







« 庭から出てきたのは人骨? | トップページ | お料理を楽しむ★お誕生会 »